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Wissen wir, was wir tun? (kartoniertes Buch)

Beraterisches Handeln in Supervision und Coaching, Interdisziplinäre Beratungsforschung 3
ISBN/EAN: 9783525402344
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 237 S., mit 6 Abb. und 5 Tab.
Einband: kartoniertes Buch
Untiefen in der Beratungspraxis ausloten!
Do we know what we are doing when we are counselling? This irritating and subversive question is often only asked amongst collegues or in supervisions. The question reflects on the backside of the well staged competence of counsellors that is usually displayed towards the customers and clients. This is a question though that clarifies the practice of a counsellor. Even though therapists are meant to be reflected many unconscious, unknown, unmentioned, undefined and uncomprehended issues influence their work. Focus is put on the practical side and not on the effect of counselling as thinking is radically different from believing in aiming or forcing an effect.The contributions in this volume try to classify theoretical questions in: knowing/not-knowing, the limits of autonomy and rationality in counselling, limits of understanding between counsellor and client followed by what we know or can know about reflection. Successful counselling is often defined by the unmentioned, subtleties and the hidden. Sometimes, however, this is blocked and needs to be defined and reconstructed theoretically and empirically e.g. by taping an interactive process or self-confrontative interviews.>